What is ALL-ON-4

Restore Full Arch With ALL-ON-4 Implants in Spring, TX

A fresh, cutting-edge method to restore missing teeth is the ALL-ON-4 dental implant procedure. Unlike dentures, which can slip and cause discomfort, ALL-ON-4 implants are permanently anchored into the jawbone, providing a secure, stable base for your new teeth.

ALL-ON-4 implants are placed in the jawbone using minimally invasive surgery. Once in place, the implants fuse to the bone over time, creating a solid foundation for your new teeth. The upper and lower teeth are attached, providing a natural-looking, functional smile.

Benefits of the ALL-ON-4 Procedure in Spring, TX

Benefits of the ALL-ON-4 Procedure

The ALL-ON-4 dental implant procedure is a life-changing treatment that can help you achieve a beautiful, functional smile. This innovative technique uses just four implants to support an entire arch of replacement teeth, and it offers several significant benefits for patients who are missing all of their teeth.

If you are considering the ALL-ON-4 procedure, here are some essential benefits to keep in mind:

  1. Increased chewing efficiency – With ALL-ON-4 implants, you can chew your food more effectively and enjoy a wider variety of foods.
  2. Improved speech – With ALL-ON-4 implants, your teeth will be securely anchored so you can confidently talk.
  3. Enhanced oral health – ALL-ON-4 implants improve oral health by stimulating bone growth in the jaw. In addition, because they don’t rely on adhesives to stay in place, there’s no risk of gum irritation or other complications.
  4. Greater convenience – With ALL-ON-4 implants, you can brush and floss just like you normally would.

Preparation for the Procedure

If you’re considering getting ALL-ON-4 dental implants, the first step is to consult your dentist to see if you’re a candidate. The ideal candidate for this procedure is someone who has lost most of their natural teeth and is not interested in or able to wear dentures.

Your consultation will involve a thorough examination of your mouth, gums, and teeth and a discussion of your medical history. Be sure to tell your dentist about any medical conditions and medications you are taking, as these can affect the procedure's success.

Once it’s determined that you are a good candidate for ALL-ON-4 dental implants, the next step is to prepare for the surgery. This will involve a few visits to our office so that we can take X-rays and impressions of your mouth. We will also need to place temporary implants so that we can get an accurate representation of how your new teeth will look and function.

The final step in preparation for the procedure is scheduling the surgery itself. We will give you specific instructions on preparing for surgery, such as what to eat and what not to eat before the procedure.

The Procedure

If you’re considering upgrading your dentures to ALL-ON-4 dental implants, you’re probably wondering what the process is like. Here’s a step-by-step guide of what you can expect when you switch to ALL-ON-4 from Vibe Dentistry:

  1. The first step is to schedule a consultation with our team. During this appointment, we will evaluate your mouth and jawbone to ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure. We will also take X-rays and impressions of your teeth to create a custom treatment plan for you.
  2. We will schedule the surgery date once we have determined that you are a good candidate for ALL-ON-4. Our team will place four titanium implants into your jawbone on the day of surgery. These implants will support your new teeth.
  3. After the surgery, following our postoperative instructions is essential so your mouth can heal properly. This includes eating soft foods and avoiding any severe activity for at least two weeks after surgery.
  4. Once your mouth has healed, we will retake impressions of your teeth to create your new custom teeth. These teeth will be securely attached to the implants, giving you a natural-looking and feeling smile!

Aftercare and Maintenance

Vibe Dentistry is proud to offer ALL-ON-4 dental implants as a solution for those who have lost their natural teeth. This treatment can give you a brand-new set of teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. And, best of all, they are permanent!

But what happens after you get your new teeth? Here at Vibe Dentistry, we want to ensure that you are well taken care of long after leaving our office. That’s why we provide comprehensive aftercare and maintenance instructions for all our patients.

Here are some tips for taking care of your new teeth:

  1. Brush and floss regularly. Just like your natural teeth, your new teeth need to be brushed and flossed daily to keep them healthy and free from plaque and tartar buildup. Also, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid damaging your new teeth.
  2. Avoid hard or sticky foods. Hard foods can crack or break your new teeth, while sticky foods can loosen them from their implants. Stick to soft foods for the first few weeks after getting your new teeth, then gradually introduce more complex foods back into your diet as your mouth adjusts.
  3. See us for regular checkups.
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Tips for Maintaining Dental Health After Treatment

  1. Continue to brush and floss your teeth regularly, even after treatment. This will help remove any plaque or bacteria that may have built up on your teeth during treatment.
  2. Avoid eating hard or crunchy foods immediately after treatment, as this could damage your newly repaired tooth. Instead, stick to softer foods like soup or mashed potatoes for a few days until your tooth has had time to heal fully.
  3. Rinse your mouth with warm water after each meal to help remove any food particles stuck in your teeth.
  4. Visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings, even after complete treatment. This will help ensure that your dental health stays on track and that potential problems are caught early.

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